Monday, June 29, 2009

Federal Reserve keeps interest rates in check, downplays inflation threat

After reading Don Lee's article in the L.A. Times, I am not comfortable where this is all headed. The Fed Res has really not done well with their approach to monetary policy. I see inflation in the future. If this is a “jump start” it is really slow. People who use to spend no matter what don’t. Just ask the ones that just got laid-off. Or the poor restaurant owner. I talked with a lady that owns two small restaurants in suburban Chicago. The amount she has had to invest from her savings to keep them “afloat” is staggering. Thankfully there were the savings. The greed has not been dealt with. The pain by those who caused this economic morass has not been felt by them. The recovery is very slow in spite of the heightened spending. Where do we turn the corner and start returning what has been spent?. Certainly not the $69 billion returned by 10 greedy banks.

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